I Don't Want To Be Without You

I want that relationship with the empty bed, not empty promises. The one with unbroken smiles and unfinished sentences—because we no longer have to explain how we’re feeling, what we’re thinking. I want to wake up and have the first thing I see be your face, and I want to fall in love all over again. I want that relationship that if I came home and found you collapsed in the couch, I’d carefully collapsed next to you. I want the soft kisses, the unexpected kisses, the deep kisses, the hard kisses…I want the tight hugs, the tight hold, the lip biting, the ass smacking, pillow fighting, fort-making, fun relationship. I want you and your gorgeous smile. I want the laughter, the giggles, the worry, the stress, the doubts…I want the sacrifices, the odd hours of sleep, the random and small fights. I want to know everything about you without you having to say, to kiss all your worries and regrets away. I want to pull you out from whatever fortress you’ve built around yourself, whether it be the fortress of your past, the darkness, your weakness…
I want to be the one who makes your pain fly away. I want those arms to hold me at night, to keep me warm and protected and feeling loved and light. I want to give you all my love in return and not be afraid of being hurt. I want to give you the same happiness, the same smile, the same reassurance that you give to me—the one that makes me feel stress-free. I want the empty bed, not the empty promises…because we can be wherever we like at night and still feel hopelessly in love, but we both know that a path made of broken promises leads to nowhere. And nowhere is the one place I don’t want to be with you

IG: wildfox078

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