I scream a blood-curling scream
An excruciating scream that can be heard by none
Emptiness and loneliness seen by so few
Tears and pain wait for me in the darkness
And darkness pushes me into the terrors of my mind
Nightmares constantly haunt me
Even in reality, they refuse to set me free
I fall asleep with tears silently falling down my face
My world is shattered
The pieces of my heart cover the floor
Truth be told!
These aren't just nightmares
Reality has come to haunt me everynight in my sleep
Why must this life be full of grief?!
I wake up, and try to step forward
Every little piece of me-scarred!
But with every step I take, my feet slice open
And all the pain comes once again
Resounding echoes my heart had to grasp
Inner strength, I try to find, is crushed
There must be some kind of hope
Something to hold onto to keep me afloat... :'(
by: Thalihanna Belle